You must work out

Muscle tends to break down after exercise, which is why iron-pumping, body – bronzing, workout machines such as yourself need to supply the body with the right kind of protein to help muscles recover fully. Good news: milk contains protein like casein and whey that can help muscles rebuild after physical activity. Plus it’s got minerals that are important in preventing muscle cramping and in case you’re wondering, fair Adonis, whey is the most common form of protein found in bodybuilding supplements.

MUSCLES ( You must work out )

Get Zen Again

Women menstruate. Every 30 days or so. And half the population of menstruating women admit to suffering from moderate to severe PMS each month. Fortunately research has shown that a diet rich in calcium foods – like milk – may cut the physical and emotional symptoms of PMS in half. A majority of women who consume 1,200mg of calcium a day for three months reported being less cramping and bloating. With 300 mgs of calcium per glass, milk is the perfect PMS comfort food


Beef up them bones
Drinking three glasses of milk a day may significantly reduce your risk of bone disease and fractures. Better yet, consuming milk later in life may show the rate of bone loss and help maintain bone density.

Think drinking calcium-fortified beverages, like soft drinks and orange juice, will meet your bones ‘needs? Not really. At least not according to researchers who concluded that up to 75% of calcium added to popular beverages like soft drinks get left at the bottom of the carton.
Point is, milk remains the best way to get your daily bone – building dose of calcium. Doesn’t matter what form it’s in. Hot, cold, chocolate, or just extra bowl of cereal – they all deliver critically needed calcium.


Sweet Dreams

In a recent study, the Indian Psychiatric Society cites lack of sleep as the single most overlooked health problem in the country. Sleep deprivation impairs memory and can even endanger lives. In teens, it has been linked to difficulties in school, disciplinary problems, poor concentration and of course, drowsiness in class.

For those suffering of insomnia, a protein naturally occurring in milk may improve sleep quality and next – day alertness. In fact, medical texts from 1500 BC advise poor sleepers to drink a glass of milk before bed.


Beauty salon in a bottle.

Milk has been part of beauty requirements for thousands of years. In fact, weekly milk baths were Cleopatra’s beauty aid of choice.

Well, now we know that good nutrition is essential for maintaining healthy hair, skin and nails. Milk is one of the best sources of the vital nutrients that help promote external beauty. For example, proteins, lipids, calcium, vitamin A, B6, biotin and potassium work together to help keep hair soft and shiny, and they’re all found in a glass of milk. It turns out beauty is not only in the eye of the beholder, it’s in the stomach too.


Cavities schmativities.

More than 40% of children have cavities by the time they reach kindergarten. Research has shown, though, that the calcium in milk may help reduce cavities when it’s combined with normal brushing and flossing. In addition to calcium, milk contains multiple antibacterial properties and proteins that promote overall oral health. For example, casein, a protein found in milk, helps prevent cavity-causing bacteria from sticking to the tooth surface. What’s the lesson here? Include milk as one of the ways to take care of your pearly whites and the tooth fairy should be very pleased on her next visit.
